Monday, January 21, 2008

Mac and iPod Bible Study Software News

Well, I'm not sure if it's really news to anyone but me, but I've recently discovered two great Bible study programs for Macintosh and iPod devotees (of which, of course, I am one).

The first program I found is MacSword. It's a Mac version of the open source Sword project. Here's why I like it so much:
1. It's free, open source software.
2. It runs on the Mac, a platform for which there is such a dearth of good Bible study software.
3. It has downloadable Sword modules for the English Standard Version (endorsed by and the NET Bible (both also free).
4. It has downloadable Sword modules for some Greek and Hebrew texts, as well as many other free Bible texts, commentaries, devotionals, and other books.

The second program that I found is podBible. It's the only iPod Bible I know of, and includes the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs, and it's in the English Standard Version! Oh, and one more thing... free!

Check 'em out!


1 comment:

Joe Weaks said...

I'm a little surprised there are still Mac users who don't know about or use Accordance Bible Software... it is the best Bible software available on any platform. I'd suggest having a look.
The idea of the Sword project is a great idea... but the result is still an inferior collection of texts, and even application in this instance. I'm glad it's available, though.